Understanding the engineering management project life cycle

The management project life trundling is essential in engineering. Whether you are towers a pyramid, like the Egyptians did thousands of years ago or installing electrical wiring in a towers like so many engineers do today, mapping out a plan of what you will do and how you will do it is the difference between success and failure. 

Engineering projects are time, money and labor-intensive. They need shielding execution considering if you run out of any of these three things there is every possibility that the project will not be completed.

When you enroll in an online Masters in Engineering Management at the University of Ottawa, one of the topics you will imbricate in unconfined detail is project management. This program teaches you the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt tools and techniques, supply uniting management and operational efficiency. The program moreover covers waste and variability deduction and process mapping. 

By the end of your masters degree, you are expected to be familiar with topics such as data hodgepodge and analysis, problem-solving, mistake proofing and transpiration management. 

Those who enroll in this undertow must have a bachelors stratum in engineering, computer or physical science. They should moreover have some work experience. As the name suggests, all undertow material is offered online, so it is flexible and convenient, expressly for those who are employed.

Even surpassing you embark on a undertow such as this, it pays to have a vital understanding of the project management life trundling and why it is essential for engineers. It makes it easier to navigate the subjects you encounter in your masters stratum and put them in context. 


What is the project life cycle?

Simply explained, the project life trundling is the series of steps or stages that a project goes through surpassing it is completed. It includes everything you need to do from initiating the project to completing it and handing it over to the client. 

If you respect the stages of project planning, you will be worldly-wise to well-constructed every stage successfully. At the end, you will hand over a project that meets the clients specs. 


Why is the project life trundling used?

Maybe you got into engineering considering you didnt fancy management as a career. You wanted to diamond projects and install them, not run virtually without budgets and personnel. You may therefore be wondering why you should scarecrow learning well-nigh the engineering project life cycle.

The wordplay is rather simple. If you plan to climb the career ladder, you need to have management skills. You will be tasked with running projects, and to be successful you will need to know how to run a team, create budgets, source and intrust materials and plane how to identify and correct problems. 

Imagine for a moment the people who planned the pyramids. They had to plan, and one of the things they were most likely concerned well-nigh would have been labor. Where would they get the slaves to build such monumental edifices? 

They must have moreover thought well-nigh things such as the source of the stones, how long they would take to excavate and move to build sites, and plane the word-for-word gradient of each pyramid so that the stones could be hoisted with the misogynist men and equipment. 


If they hadnt gone through a planning process, it is quite likely that we would not have the pyramids today.

Todays engineer has plenty of planning tools on their hands, so the process is easier. If they are installing electricity in a building, for example, unrepealable tools tell them how much of the variegated types of wires they need, how much the whole process will forfeit and plane how many people are needed to well-constructed the project within a given time frame. 

The project life trundling serves several important purposes:
  • For the engineer, it maps out the activities that are needed to well-constructed the project and acts as a guide. 
  • It makes the project transparent. The vendee has peace of mind considering they can visualize everything that will be washed-up to well-constructed their project. If there are deviations from the plan, they can hold the engineer accountable.
  • With a project life cycle, the engineer can identify and manage risk.
  • It helps make decision-making easier throughout the project. 
  • Everyones responsibilities are unmistakably outlined. 
  • It is the easiest way to create budgets considering it defines every stage of the project and the resources necessary to well-constructed it. 
  • In the end, it tells all stakeholders whether the project was successful or not. 

In a nutshell, a project life trundling helps provide clarity for both the engineer and the client. Without it, everyone would be operating blindly and hoping for the best. This is whimsically the way to proceed with resource-intensive engineering projects. 

Stages of the engineering project management life cycle 

Depending on who you talk to, there are between four and six phases in a project life cycle. For this article, we will discuss six, although in some cases they can be merged to only four. 

Stage 1 Initiation or conceptualization

This is the stage where you think well-nigh whether the project you have in mind is necessary and if it is possible. 

It identifies the need for the project, and how that need can be met. Engineers and clients may plane consider variegated ways to solve the problem. They evaluate all the various ways that the problem can be solved as a method of justifying the engineering roject. 

The engineer, together with the client, evaluates the benefits of the project, its telescopic and the resources that will be required to well-constructed it. The initiation stage is remoter wrenched lanugo into the following:

Feasibility study What is the problem and how will the proposed project unhook a solution? Are there cheaper ways that the problem can be solved? Will the engineering project unhook a long-term solution?

Identifying the telescopic of the project This stage outlines the depth and unrestrictedness of the project. In other words, it outlines how wide-stretching it will be. 

Naming the stakeholders Who will be involved and who will be affected? Imagine, for example, that you are creating a management project life trundling for a dam. The stakeholders include the government, the engineers and the people withal the river who will be unauthentic once the dam is in place. As the project planner, you must consider ways to resettle and recoup them. 

Identifying the deliverables What is your goal? What product or service can be expected once the work is completed?

Defining the merchantry case This is a cost-benefit analysis. Is the project financially feasible in the long term?

Statement of work Together with the client, the engineering team outlines the projects objectives, telescopic and deliverables. The statement of work is treated as a working try-on between the vendee and the engineering company. 


Stage 2 Planning

This stage details the steps that are needed to well-constructed the project. You come up with a upkeep and a timeline, the milestones you expect to achieve, the materials that you will use and the quantity of labor required. 

You moreover examine the project for risk and come up with ways to mitigate it. The project manager will make room for any changes that may occur during the project elapsing and plan for them. 

The planning stage moreover outlines each task and those responsible for it. There are well-spoken liaison lines and protocols to make sure that everyone has the information that they need to well-constructed their section of the project. 

Five plans are ripened separately in this phase, and together they make up the project plan:

The overall project plan

This outlines every task that must be completed in every phase, and it is used as a checklist throughout the project. It moreover serves as a guide when developing the rest of the project plan. 

The resource plan

This outlines the human element and materials that are needed to well-constructed the project from whence to end. It is an important stage considering it is where the engineer determines what materials are needed and where they will be sourced. It moreover outlines the forfeit of materials, compares variegated vendors and establishes wordage timelines. The engineer moreover develops a field team. He determines how many people will be needed, what their qualifications ought to be and how long they will be engaged. 

The risk management plan

Every project involves some element of risk, and the engineer must determine, based on prevailing conditions and experience, what might go wrong. They must moreover outline how the risk will be mitigated. This stage helps prepare for emergencies withal the way. 

The liaison plan

A team is only as strong as its communication, and the engineer must outline a hierarchy and a protocol to make sure that everyone who works on the project is well informed. A liaison plan ensures that each person knows who they should report to, and if there are problems who should be in the loop. 

An visa plan

How do you know that a task is completed? An engineering project involves many little tasks, and it is important to pinpoint when each is completed. Together, all completed tasks will form a completed project. 


Stage 3 Design

This is an essential stage. The engineers get to work and create the technical designs for each part of the project. 

These serve as a guide for every task, and they can moreover provide insights into important elements that may have been missed during the planning stage.


Stage 4 Execution

The plan is in place, and it is time to get to work. This is the most difficult part of the project life cycle, and it often takes months or plane years to complete. 

The senior engineer must be enlightened of what is happening in every area, and they are regularly briefed by the various professionals who oversee the variegated tasks. 

It is moreover the role of the senior engineer to alimony the vendee up to date. They schedule visits and meetings to discuss progress and any changes they have made to the original plan. They moreover take the time to understand the difficulties that the project encounters and how they plan to deal with them. 


Stage 5 Monitoring and controlling

This stage goes hand in hand with execution. As the various teams work on variegated parts of the project, the managers must monitor everything to make sure that it is going equal to plan. They monitor changes in:

Cost Is the project in line with the proposed budget? If not, what are the reasons it has gone over or under budget?

Time Is every task completed on time? If not, what is causing delays?

Risks These are unforeseeable and occur in scrutinizingly every project. Monitoring them closely ways they can be mitigated effectively. 

Quality Every speciality must meet the project quality that was outlined in the project plan. If the team is having quality issues, the whole project may be a failure, and the engineer must discuss with the client. 

Acceptance Test each completed part of the project and make sure that it meets the stated requirements. This stage often involves making changes to the original project plan. Each transpiration must be discussed with the vendee and other stakeholders and should be widow to the original project plan. 


Stage 6 Testing and commissioning

The project is complete, but it cannot be handed over until it is tested to make sure that it is working equal to the clients specifications. This stage can take a long time to complete, expressly if the proect is large and complex. 

It takes a long time to test an electricity-generating plant, for example, considering it has many moving parts. It would take a shorter time to test a road considering all you need to do is unshut it and make sure that traffic flows as it should.



The management project life trundling is an essential part of engineering. If you plan to get into management, you must master it and know how to execute it. The quickest way to do this is to enroll in an online masters in engineering management. The undertow can be completed in two years and imparts all the skills that engineers need to plan and execute a project.