Power your payments with Instamojo on Magento, WooCommerce and more

Want safe, fast and easy payments on your eCommerce websites on WooCommerce, Magento and more? Integrate your websites with the Instamojo Payment Gateway using our misogynist platform plugins.

Instamojo Platform Plugins

Why segregate Instamojo Payment Gateway? 

Instamojo started in 2012 with the mission of empowering MSMEs with affordable financial technology. Over the years, over 2 million businesses have chosen Instamojo to power their eCommerce dreams. Why? Here are a few reasons:

  • The Instamojo payment gateway offers a 100 payment mode with a 99.9% success rate.
  • Get paid out in 3 merchantry days for your transactions
  • The gateway is secure and PCI-DSS certified
  • Track real-time analytics from your Instamojo dashboard
  • The Instamojo Payment Gateway integration is a velvety smooth dream for any developer! Integrate with any website with any stack. Our simple Payment APIs come with detailed documentation and SDKs

The top platform plugins misogynist on Instamojo 

Use our trusted payment gateway to power your eCommerce merchantry on the platform of your choice:

  • WooCommerce / WordPress 

  • Magento 

  • Presta Shop 

  • WHMCS 

  • Ionic SDK

  • Drupal Commerce

  • CS Cart 

  • Open Cart 

How to get started 

How do you integrate the Instamojo payment gateway with these platforms?

Step 1: Sign up on Instamojo (Did we tell you it’s veritably free?)

Step 2: Head over to the APIs & Plugins section on the dashboard

instamojo platform plugins

Step 3: Segregate the Platform Plugin that you need to know how to integrate the Instamojo payment gateway with that specific platform

Step 4: Follow the steps of installation and configurations outlined clearly

Voila. You are now ready to collect payments from your customers safely and securely.

Hit a roadblock? Or can’t see a platform of your choice?  Send your queries to support@instamojo.com for super-fast resolutions.